Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I would like to let everyone know about the love, loss and sorrow of Sydney,  Bev and Ron's (my anut and uncle)  beloved pug who passed away New Year's Day at the age of 12, and just shy of 13 years old.  Sydney passed away from congestive heart failure.

It is a painful time for all who knew Sydney and her gentle and funny spirit.  Sydney had been sick for awhile and the night before Sydney passed away she was acting somewhat peculiar.  She was having trouble breathing and could not sit or lie down so she stood for almost 24 hours.  Bev told me that Sydney passed in their arms as they weeped as she took her last breathe.  As anyone who has loved their pet so intensely can understand that this is a very emotional time for Ron and Bev as they process the loss of their beloved Sydney.  To Ron and Bev, Sydney was not just a pet, she was a baby, a family member and she will be missed as one.  They just adored her and gave her all the heart and soul they could.

I want to share the things I remember about Sydney and how she touched my life as well as others who had the joy of interacting with her.

To me Sydney was a extremely lovable and gentle soul.  She was a beautiful companion dog.  When I would go over to Ron and Bev's house or to visit my Gram, Sydney would sense that I was there and she would come barreling down the stairs to see me.  She seemed to really like me and I felt an honor to have captured her heart.  Sydney had a little snort as most pugs do and she would also grunt while she got excited jumping up onto my leg to greet me. Sydney had away about her that made her so lovable and I would so enjoy to be in her presence.  When Sydney would open her mouth to breathe she had a smile that went from ear to ear.  I was always certain that she was smiling at me!  My Gram would enjoy it when Sydney would some down to see her during the day.  She would keep her company.  She was a friend.

I don't have any animals, however, I can surely tell you that the love for this special pug was immense.  She was not just a pet to everyone.  She had a human nature that would rival any dog I have ever known.  When she was with you, you felt like she was just a bundle of love.  When she would lie in Grams TV room, she would rest her head on the curved bottom of the rocking chair and go to sleep there.  This was Sydney's funny way.

In her last years, Sydney lost her hearing and she could not see very well, but she seemed to always know who was there with her.  I am going to miss Sydney and my heart goes out to all who are grieving over the loss of her.  I will miss her her snorting, grunting and the excitement she evoked in me when I saw her.  Since my Mom passed way in May, I can only think that Sydney and my Mom will cross paths on another plane and they will feel the same joy that they have given to us all these years and they will be at peace.

Time to say goodbye...
We will miss you Syd!
